Thedepartment runs two (2) undergraduate programmes, namely;

  1. B.Sc.(Ed.) Environmental Education
  2. B.Sc.(Ed.) Health Education

B.Sc(Ed) Environmental Education

EDU 111 – History of Education

This course is a study of educational development from ancient times to the present with particular reference to the evolution of modern education in Nigeria.

GST 111 – Use of English I

Effective Communication and writing in English, study skills, outlines and paragraphs. Collection and organization of materials and logical presentation of papers. Use of the library, phonetics, Art of public speaking and oral communication.

GST 112 – Philosophy and Logic

A brief survey of the main branches of philosophy symbolic logic, special symbol in symbolic logic: conjunction, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalents and conditional statements. Laws of thought. Methods of deduction using rules of inference and biconditionals quantification theory.

AEB 111 – Introducing to Animal and Environmental Biology

It discusses man population growth and impact on the biosphere, faunel biodiversity, interbebrate; protozoa, porifera, ordenterata, platyhelminthes, nematode, mollurea, amelida, arthropoda, exhnodemata   chordate: cephalochordate, pisces, reptilian, mammalian, mammalian anatomy. Anatomy of rather will be demonstrated.

GEO 111 –   Introduction to Geography, Man and His Physical Environment

This course is a systematic survey of the inter-related component of the physical environment system. The role and interrelationship of geographone, climatic, pedagogies and human activities in forming the physical landscape are emphasis. Topics covered in this course include the following structure of the process and their land-forming effects, manners effects, manner geomorphology/wave action, the atmospheric system and elements of climate, types of soils, soil formation processes, soil fertility and degradation, soil erosion and conservation, distribution of world vegetation and factors or anthropogenic control of the physical landscape, structure of the atmosphere and hyorosphere, cycling matte and energy ecosystem.

CSC 110 – Introduction to Computing

History of computers, functional components of a computer, characteristics of a computer, problem-solving, flowcharts and algorithms. The internet, social ethical and professional issues of computing; software, hardware and networking development trend. Social application of computing; network communication, internet piracy/crime and computing technologies. Computer applications.

HEE 111 – Foundation of HES

The course will discuss the philosophical background of HES, its dimension, psychological dynamics of HES and components of HES programme – policies and practices of HES programme, emergency response and SAVAN, ILO and its functions will be discussed, regulatory and safety communication services. The course will look at modes and practices of Environmental Health Assessment (EHA). The course will review environmental management, principles of environmental health, risk management in socio-cultural context of Health, Safety and Environmental Education (HSE).

HSE 112 – Wellness I

Students are exposed to lifelong physical activities as a means of promoting health. This will be included as lifelong routine of the students as the significance of these exercise are made to be appreciated by the students.

EDU 121 – General Teaching Methods

This course is an examination of teaching methods in relation to changing concepts about the child and the learning process. The course deals with typical images of the classroom, the role of the teacher as a catalyst, the current practices and methods of teaching in accordance with the prevailing trends in education. Relevant and appropriate methods of teaching in early childhood setting will be explored

GST 121 – Use of English II

  1. The nature and structure of the Library-familiarization with the plan of the University of Benin Library.
  • Procedures and processes in conducting Library research
  • Choosing and adequately restricting a topic
  • Scouting for materials
  • Use of note cards and bibliography cards
  • Methods of note taking
  • Preparation of a research paper
  • Matters of format; style of books and related matters; forms of documentation.
  • Writing abstract of research paper
  • Carrying out a short Library research project

GST 122 – Nigerian Peoples and Culture

This course focuses on Nigeria pre-colonial times; general survey of indigenous culture and their characteristics; evolution of Nigeria as  a political unit; salient point in the history of Nigeria under colonial rule and thereafter; contemporary issues in Nigeria education, economy, and social justice. This course also examines norms, values and moral obligations of Nigeria citizens, environmental sanitation, cultism and gangsterism.

GST 123 – History and Philosophy of Science

This course examines theories about the origin of man, man’s cosmic environment – theories about the universe; scientific methodology (empiricism); technology in society (definition and history; renewable and non renewable resources; energy resources; environmental effects of chemical, plastics, wastes, etc; chemical and radio-chemical hazards; and various areas of science and technology

HSE 121 – Introduction to Public Health

This course outlined health promotion, its components, community cycle approach to on public health. Health risks behaviour, socio-cultural component of public health and traditional medicine. The course present prevention and control of endemic, pandemic disease, controlling, community disease outbreak epidemics. Health policies and its implementation, health organization and its management, WHO, UNICEF, SFH and their functions. Family health and NIHS, school health services will be emphasized. Promoting health talks, forum and health education advocacy.

HSE 122 – Philosophical Foundation of Environmental Education

The course reviews the historical development of environmental education, focus of environmental education, objectives, UNESCO and UNEP as body for its declaration, environmental problems and measures to control them, principles of environmental education, environmental health and sound sanitation would be discussed. Actions detrimental to the environment will be analyzed.

HSE 123 – Wellness II

This is a continuation of the exercise regimen. This is specifically meant to bring about appreciation of routine exercise that would form the students daily component for future healthy lifestyle.

HSE 211 – Need Assessments and Intervention Strategies

The course will develop scientific health research through education diagnosis and intervention, needs assessment classification. The course will address the development assessment instruments, assessment procedures, analysis, interpretation of results. Health counselling and approach will be discussed. Health records, its management, health theories on health and assessment. Also programme on health needs assessment such as Roll Back Malaria (RBM), safe motherhood initiatives and National Immunization plus Days (NIPDs) will be exemplify. Designing health needs assessment report layout, Health Needs Mapping (HNM) will be stressed. Health field work analysis and intervention will be practicalized.

HSE 212 –  Substance Abuse Education

This course examines the problems and issues of drug abuse among adolescents in Nigeria, self medication in the community and methods of abatement through appropriate modification of behaviour. This course will also address the psychological and sociological basis of addiction within Nigerian context, the nature, prevalence of drug use and abuse among the various groups in the society. Method of reducing access to abusive substances will be addressed.

HSE 213 – Introduction to Occupational Safety

The course will develop workers and the environment, workplace hazards, occupational hygiene, workplace stress, occupational safety and health management system. The course will also outline national safety protocol laid down for workplace. Roles and responsibilities of occupational health and safety professionals. It defined, hazard, risk and safety gadgets PPEs or and their usage, hazard assessment, risk assessment, fire accident control and occupational health services.

HSE 214 – Our Environment

The course will emphasize the natural environment, components of environment, ecosystem and factors affecting balance of the ecosystem, climatic changes and the health implications. Also bodies protecting environmental environment such as EPA, UNEP. Earth components and its sustenance, environmental laws and policy, environmental issues such as climatic change pollution, land degradation, resource depletion and erosion will be look at and their health implication and an introduction on biodiversity.

EED 211 – Environmental Psychology

This course focuses on the psychological and sociological foundations of environmental education. It will address the theories and research in environmental perception and behaviors by subjects to better interpret and understand their surrounding and the use of cognitive map are representative of the issues in the course

AEB211- Environmental Ecology

It focus on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem of Nigeria, physical and chemical properties, faunal adaptation for life; inter-relationship, food chains webs, conservation of faunal resources of Nigeria

HSE 221 – Introduction to Health Psychology

The course addresses health behaviour analysis, emotions, `KAP’ in psychological dimensions, bio psychosocial models of health and illness and health action process. Health instruction analysis, health policy analysis and theories will be discussed. Chronic illness, stress and pain, practice and evaluation of health intervention, healthcare context, individual difference in health and illness, health cognitions and applications.

HSE 222 – Career Opportunities in HES

A survey of broad scope of occupation and career mobility, professional identity and values, health professional partnership. Planning and directing curriculum value. Health programs, health interview and strategies. Career assessment and counseling, job security.

HSE 223 – Human Body in Health and Disease

The course will reflect body cell, tissue and organ and related diseases, Ana physiological components of the body, chronic disease issues as CVD, stroke, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, malnutrition, body pathology and intervention. The course will look at pathogens, breeding rite, hormonal change and function, immunology and will be greatly emphasized congenital disorder and degenerative disease will be look at.

HSE 224 – First Aid and Safety Education

This course addresses the need to prepare the lay public for immediate assistance to an injured person. The course also prepares the students for disaster preparedness using simple, practical, sensible techniques. The course will look at various techniques and the principles behind them. Among others, it would cover open wounds, special wounds, dressing and bandaging open and close fractures, etc


Identification, phylogeny, biology and economic importance of cephalochordate, Hemichordata, Urochordata, Agnatha, Piseces, Amphibia, Reptila, Aves and mamalia of Nigeria. Students are expected to dissect the dog fish.

EDU 221 – Subject Methods (Teaching Health Education, Environmental Education and Occupation Health and Safety)

This exposes the students to psychology of teaching in HES, teachings methodologies, motivation, teaching materials, designing the lesson plan, evaluation strategies, teachers’ roles and competencies. Learning experience and opportunities will be look at, teaching and follow up services be reviewed.

AEB 224 – Vertebrate Biology – pre-requisite: AEB 111

It analyse identification, phlogeny, biology and economic importance of cephalochardate, hemichordate, wochordata, agnatha, pisces, amplidia, reptilian, aues and mmamlia of Nigeria, students are expected to dissect the dog fish.

HED 311 – Mental Health Education

This course examines the nature of mental health within the larger scope of wellness as a basis of good health and well-being. This course will also address the characteristics of stress and stress reduction; relationship between mind and body connection in building good health, perception, spirit and health, the nature and adjustment, determinant of adjustment and adjustment difficulties.

EED 311 – Environmental Psychology

This course focuses on the psychological and sociological foundations of environmental education. It will address the theories and research in environmental perception and behaviours by subjects to better interpret and understand their surrounding and the use of cognitive map are representative of the issues in the course.

HED 312 – Nutrition in Health and Diseases

The course addresses the intrinsic inter-relationship between nutrition, health and diseases. Basic of primary nutritional diseases, conditioned nutritional diseases, etiology of nutritional diseases, assessment of nutritional status, prevention of nutritional disorder, nutrition and infection, nutrition in cancer.

HED 313 – Population Education

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic and detailed concepts of population in relation to technique of population education and information dissemination. Issues of population problems, birth control techniques, programmes for population controls and distribution in the population and implications will be examined.

HED 314 – Family Life and Sexuality Education

This course is structured to groom student to the basic and detailed concepts of family, tolerance, sex education, adolescence and juvenile delinquencies. It will also include sociological, psychological aspects of human sexuality in relation to family life, courtship, marriage, reproduction, child. Sex education in the home, school and community would be addressed.

AEB311-Animal physiology

Principles of physiological adaptation, homeostasis, nervous, neuromuscular and endocrine systems, nutrition and digestion, blood and circulation, excretion respiration and osmoregulation.

HED 321 – Consumer Health Education

This course examines: psychological factors in consumerism, healing philosophies, food faddism and weight control, health care economics, consumer protection. Dangers of misleading adverts of processed food items and roles of government and health agencies in consumer protection.

HED 322 – Prevention and Control of Human Diseases

Its discusses human disease, transmibillity,  general principles for the control of communicable disease, reducing infections and building immunity, lifestyle choices that can reduce the risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases will be emphasized. Non –pathogenic cause of disease will be looked at within the environment.

HED 323 – Supervised Community Experiences

Student would be made to undergo a health/safety education practicum/fieldwork in a recognized setting. This will provide opportunities for the improvement and efficacy of health/environmental/safety promotion services.

HED 411 – Public Health Tools and Communication Strategies

This course considered the tools and materials necessary in public health education as opposed to school education. Public health tools and materials in the presentation of public health information like family planning, community mental health, and communicable diseases will be considered. The second goes with public health communication strategies with emphasis on health attitudinal charges through the public television, radio, newspaper, exhibition, film show and magazines. The focus of the course will be the rural community.

HED 412 – Primary and Secondary School Health Education


This course examines the definition of health education from various professional paradigms. It also dealt with the development of health education curriculum at both primary and secondary schools; the challenges of its development of the curriculum, methods if teaching Health Education, planning for instruction and the roles and competencies of health educators.

HED 413 – Adulthood, Ageing and Dying

This course critical examine the human developmental stages: life at adulthood that is early, middle and late adulthood. Major physical aspects of ageing and the aged, life expectancy, diseases of the old age, medical care; loneliness and communication with the aged including acceptance of death though education processes. Culture patterns on health utilization, relationship between traditional health practitioners and the patient, the impact of traditional care system on orthodox practices and school health.

EED 412 – Community and Environmental Health

This course will review the basic concepts of community health and environmental education and its implication on improving health in our community.

HED 421 Organization and Administration of Health Programmes

This course explains the school health programme and how best it can be managed through employment of health personnel, drugs, clinics, encouraging body cleanliness and so on. Mechanism for sustainable school health programme.

HED 422 –  Development of Safety and Health Attitudes and

                   Contemporary Issues

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic and detailed concepts of health attitudes with references made on current health and safety trend. The course will also examine the nature of attitudes development within the larger scope of wellness and as a basis for good health and well-being, contemporary issues on the development of health and behaviour will be discussed.

HED 423 – Epidemiology and Public Health

The aim of this course is to provide the student with an appreciation for the role of epidemiology in education practice. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to calculate and interpret basic epidemiology measures, recognize the strength and limitation of various study designs, understand the scope of epidemiology in health education. The guiding principle in this course is the presentation of epidemiology in a manner that is both unthreatening and interesting. However, the scope of the topic is limited to core principles and concepts.

HED 424 – Model of Behaviour Change

This course will critically examine the various models and theories leading to behavour change with particular reference to Health Education and contemporary life issues in health and illness behaviours.

FOW 515: Multiple Land Use

Nigeria’s land resources, attitudes and conflicts, strategies for resolution of conflicts, integration use of land for forestry, wildlife, fisheries and agriculture. Formulation of management policies for land areas, decision making in the allocation of land for multiple use, legislation relation to land environmental planning.


EDU 111 – History of Education

This course is a study of educational development from ancient times to the present with particular reference to the evolution of modern education in Nigeria.

GST 111 – Use of English I

Effective Communication and writing in English, study skills, outlines and paragraphs. Collection and organization of materials and logical presentation of papers. Use of the library, phonetics, Art of public speaking and oral communication.

GST 112 – Philosophy and Logic

A brief survey of the main branches of philosophy symbolic logic, special symbol in symbolic logic: conjunction, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalents and conditional statements. Laws of thought. Methods of deduction using rules of inference and biconditionals quantification theory.

CSC 110 – Introduction to Computing

History of computers, functional components of a computer, characteristics of a computer, problem-solving, flowcharts and algorithms. The internet, social ethical and professional issues of computing; software, hardware and networking development trend. Social application of computing; network communication, internet piracy/crime and computing technologies. Computer applications.

HEE 111 – Foundation of HES

The course will discuss the philosophical background of HES, its dimension, psychological dynamics of HES and components of HES programme – policies and practices of HES programme, emergency response and SAVAN, ILO and its functions will be discussed, regulatory and safety communication services. The course will look at modes and practices of Environmental Health Assessment (EHA). The course will review environmental management, principles of environmental health, risk management in socio-cultural context of Health, Safety and Environmental Education (HSE)

HSE 112 – Wellness I

Students are exposed to lifelong physical activities as a means of promoting health. This will be included as lifelong routine of the students as the significance of these exercise are made to be appreciated by the students.

EDU 121 – General Teaching Methods

This course is an examination of teaching methods in relation to changing concepts about the child and the learning process. The course deals with typical images of the classroom, the role of the teacher as a catalyst, the current practices and methods of teaching in accordance with the prevailing trends in education. Relevant and appropriate methods of teaching in early childhood setting will be explored

GST 121 – Use of English II

  1. The nature and structure of the Library-familiarization with the plan of the University of Benin Library.
  • Procedures and processes in conducting Library research
  • Choosing and adequately restricting a topic
  • Scouting for materials
  • Use of note cards and bibliography cards
  • Methods of note taking
  • Preparation of a research paper
  • Matters of format; style of books and related matters; forms of documentation.
  • Writing abstract of research paper
  • Carrying out a short Library research project

GST 122 – Nigerian Peoples and Culture

This course focuses on Nigeria pre-colonial times; general survey of indigenous culture and their characteristics; evolution of Nigeria as  a political unit; salient point in the history of Nigeria under colonial rule and thereafter; contemporary issues in Nigeria education, economy, and social justice. This course also examines norms, values and moral obligations of Nigeria citizens, environmental sanitation, cultism and gangsterism.

GST 123 – History and Philosophy of Science

This course examines theories about the origin of man, man’s cosmic environment – theories about the universe; scientific methodology (empiricism); technology in society (definition and history; renewable and non renewable resources; energy resources; environmental effects of chemical, plastics, wastes, etc; chemical and radio-chemical hazards; and various areas of science and technology

HSE 121 – Introduction to Public Health

This course outlined health promotion, its components, community cycle approach to on public health. Health risks behaviour, socio-cultural component of public health and traditional medicine. The course present prevention and control of endemic, pandemic disease, controlling, community disease outbreak epidemics. Health policies and its implementation, health organization and its management, WHO, UNICEF, SFH and their functions. Family health and NIHS, school health services will be emphasized. Promoting health talks, forum and health education advocacy.

HSE 122 – Philosophical Foundation of Environmental Education

The course reviews the historical development of environmental education, focus of environmental education, objectives, UNESCO and UNEP as body for its declaration, environmental problems and measures to control them, principles of environmental education, environmental health and sound sanitation would be discussed. Actions detrimental to the environment will be analyzed.

HSE 123 – Wellness II

This is a continuation of the exercise regimen. This is specifically meant to bring about appreciation of routine exercise that would form the students’ daily component for future healthy lifestyle.

HSE 124 – Health Care Delivery System

Discussions of the various patterns  of health care delivery system in Nigeria. Their development benefits, use of practitioners as guest speakers 

EDU 211 – Developmental Psychology

An introductory study of the determination of human development from birth to adolescent with special reference to the effect of hereditary and environment on physical, cognitive, social, moral and emotional developments of the normal child. Recent studies of child rearing practices in Africa will be highlighted.

EDU 212 – Philosophy of Education

An introduction to major philosophical ideas which have influenced educational thought and practice.

HSE 211 – Need Assessments and Intervention Strategies

The course will develop scientific health research through education diagnosis and intervention, needs assessment classification. The course will address the development assessment instruments, assessment procedures, analysis, interpretation of results. Health counselling and approach will be discussed. Health records, its management, health theories on health and assessment. Also programme on health needs assessment such as Roll Back Malaria (RBM), safe motherhood initiatives and National Immunization plus Days (NIPDs) will be exemplify. Designing health needs assessment report layout, Health Needs Mapping (HNM) will be stressed. Health field work analysis and intervention will be practicalized.

HSE 212 – Substance Abuse Education

This course examines the problems and issues of drug abuse among adolescents in Nigeria, self medication in the community and methods of abatement through appropriate modification of behaviour. This course will also address the psychological and sociological basis of addiction within Nigerian context, the nature, prevalence of drug use and abuse among the various groups in the society. Method of reducing access to abusive substances will be addressed.

HSE 213 – Introduction to Occupational Safety

The course will develop workers and the environment, workplace hazards, occupational hygiene, workplace stress, occupational safety and health management system. The course will also outline national safety protocol laid down for workplace. Roles and responsibilities of occupational health and safety professionals. It defined, hazard, risk and safety gadgets PPEs or and their usage, hazard assessment, risk assessment, fire accident control and occupational health services.

EDU 221 – Subject Methods (Teaching Health Education, Environmental Education and Occupation Health and Safety)

This exposes the students to psychology of teaching in HES, teachings methodologies, motivation, teaching materials, designing the lesson plan, evaluation strategies, teachers’ roles and competencies. Learning experience and opportunities will be look at, teaching and follow up services be reviewed.

EDU 222 – Sociology of Education

To gain insight into the socialization of the young child; family influence on the socializing of the young child; gender role identification in the young child; urbanization and the informal housing sector; the environmentally deprived young child and child abuse. This course is designed to help students identify the structure and forces that surround the school as a social system. The roles of the teacher and the school are also examined; social problems and educational strategies are designed to solve them, especially in the Nigerian system are examined in depth.

EDU 223 – Instructional Technology

The course deals with the theories and use of audio visual materials in teaching and learning centers. Practical experience in the construction and use of instructional aids such as models, maps, charts. The role of the radio, television and tape recordings in machines and programmed instruction, slides, filmstrips and motion picture in the class room. The place of the mass media in instruction is also examined. 

HSE 221 – Introduction to Health Psychology

The course addresses health behaviour analysis, emotions, `KAP’ in psychological dimensions, bio psychosocial models of health and illness and health action process. Health instruction analysis, health policy analysis and theories will be discussed. Chronic illness, stress and pain, practice and evaluation of health intervention, healthcare context, individual difference in health and illness, health cognitions and applications.

HSE 222 – Career Opportunities in HES

A survey of broad scope of occupation and career mobility, professional identity and values, health professional partnership. Planning and directing curriculum value. Health programs, health interview and strategies. Career assessment and counseling, job security.

HSE 223 – Human Body in Health and Disease

The course will reflect body cell, tissue and organ and related diseases, Ana physiological components of the body, chronic disease issues as CVD, stroke, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, malnutrition, body pathology and intervention. The course will look at pathogens, breeding rite, hormonal change and function, immunology and will be greatly emphasized congenital disorder and degenerative disease will be look at.

HSE 224 – First Aid and Safety Education

This course addresses the need to prepare the lay public for immediate assistance to an injured person. The course also prepares the students for disaster preparedness using simple, practical, sensible techniques. The course will look at various techniques and the principles behind them. Among others, it would cover open wounds, special wounds, dressing and bandaging open and close fractures, etc.

HSE 225 – Health Problem of the School Child

The course addresses the characteristics of a health child, the sign of hearing defects, follow-up procedures and general departure from the normal health

EDU 300 – Supervised Teaching Practice I

To enable students to carry out practical applications of the teaching principles, theories and concepts they have acquired in the course of the programme. This is a six-week field experience in the pre-primary or primary school setting. Emphasis is on knowledge of the application of the theories of school administration, classroom teaching activities under the guidance of Faculty of Education supervisors.

EDU 311 – Curriculum Studies

This course provides a broad understanding of the basic elements of the field of curriculum and theoretical alternatives to the kind of perspectives, which dominate curriculum planning, organization and school curriculum problems in Nigeria. A critical examination of the new National Policy on Education will be done.

EDU 312 – Educational Psychology

Educational practice and programme with special reference to the Nigerian post primary school.

CED 300 – Entrepreneurship

The aim of this course is to develop entrepreneurial orientation and skill in students. The course exposes students to the opportunities in entrepreneurship and basic characteristics required for successful performance as an entrepreneur. Issues covered include the nature and functions of entrepreneurs. Types, development, justification and evaluation of business opportunities, feasibility studies, financing managing growth in entrepreneurial firms, negotiations, succession, socio-cultural constraints and theories of entrepreneurship.

HED 311 – Mental Health Education

This course examines the nature of mental health within the larger scope of wellness as a basis of good health and well-being. This course will also address the characteristics of stress and stress reduction; relationship between mind and body connection in building good health, perception, spirit and health, the nature and adjustment, determinant of adjustment and adjustment difficulties.

HED 312 – Nutrition in Health and Diseases

The course addresses the intrinsic inter-relationship between nutrition, health and diseases. Basic of primary nutritional diseases, conditioned nutritional diseases, etiology of nutritional diseases, assessment of nutritional status, prevention of nutritional disorder, nutrition and infection, nutrition in cancer will be removed.

HED 313 – Population Education

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic and detailed concepts of population in relation to technique of population education and information dissemination. Issues of population problems, birth control techniques, programmes for population controls and distribution in the population and implications will be examined.

HED 314 – Family Life and Sexuality Education

This course is structured to groom student to the basic and detailed concepts of family, tolerance, sex education, adolescence and juvenile delinquencies. It will also include sociological, psychological aspects of human sexuality in relation to family life, courtship, marriage, reproduction, child. Sex education in the home, school and community would be addressed.

HED 321 – Consumer Health Education

This course examines: psychological factors in consumerism, healing philosophies, food faddism and weight control, health care economics, consumer protection. Dangers of misleading adverts of processed food items and roles of government and health agencies in consumer protection will be examined.

HED 322 – Prevention and Control of Human Diseases

Its discusses human disease, transmibillity,  general principles for the control of communicable disease, reducing infections and building immunity, lifestyle choices that can reduce the risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases will be emphasized. Non –pathogenic cause of disease will be looked at within the environment.

HED 323 – Supervised Community Experiences

Student would be made to undergo a health/safety education practicum/fieldwork in a recognized setting. This will provide opportunities for the improvement and efficacy of health/environmental/safety promotion services.

HED 324 – Primary Health Care

An introduction to the concept of health services with emphasis on organization and financing. Various pattern of health delivery system round the world (the HMOs, NHS, NIS, etc) will be examined. Also the other tiers of healthcare delivery systems shall be cross-examined.

HED 325 – International Health

The course will examine the organization and function of international health bodies such as WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, USAID, UNDP, UNEP, DANIDA, CIDA, NORIDA, etc. International health regulation (IHRs) will be addressed, global health, health economics will be looked at. Global health challenges, migratory diseases, health partnership and intervention, pandemic and health care delivery system in few western and African countries (Health Care System Comparison).

EDU 321 – Introduction to Educational Research and Statistics

This is an introductory study of the basic concepts and nature of educational research, methods of collecting and organizing data; data analysis; presentation and reporting of results setting  

EDU 322 – Comparative Education

The course pays attention to the purpose of education. Educational systems and character, education and modernity, the nature, purpose, levels and methods of comparative education will be studied in detail. The dynamics and problems of educational reforms and development in developing countries; systems of education in some selected African countries and others outside Africa (USA, Britain, France, Canada, Japan, USSR); Contemporary issues in comparative education worldwide will also be discussed

EDU 400 – Supervised Teaching Practice II

This is a follow up exercise on the 300 level supervised teaching practices. It is to enable students to carryout practical applications, theories and concepts they have acquired in other courses. The students’ must take control of the class (under supervision) and plan, present and evaluate all teaching activities during this period. All activities presented during the teaching practice period must comply with the principles of anti biases, multicultural and inclusive education.

EDU 411 – Measurement and Evaluation

This course involves an examination of modern concepts and methods of measuring and evaluating aspects of human behaviour with particular reference to the educational process in Nigerian schools. The principles of tests construction, administration, scoring and interpretation will be thoroughly examined. Social ethical issues in testing and measurement will also be highlighted.

EDU 412 – Introduction to Educational Management

This course is an introduction to the principles and practice of educational management. The course focuses on the basic management issues as they relate to the industry planning. Financing cost, management information, theories of management, education of agencies, organization of schools, school business administration in development countries.

HED 411 – Public Health Tools and Communication Strategies

This course considered the tools and materials necessary in public health education as opposed to school education. Public health tools and materials in the presentation of public health information like family planning, community mental health, and communicable diseases will be considered. The second goes with public health communication strategies with emphasis on health attitudinal changes through the public television, radio, newspaper, exhibition, film show and magazines. The focus of the course will be the rural community.

HED 412 – Primary and Secondary School Health Education


This course examines the definition of health education from various professional paradigms. It also dealt with the development of health education curriculum at both primary and secondary schools; the challenges of its development of the curriculum, methods if teaching Health Education, planning for instruction and the roles and competencies of health educators.

HED 413 – Adulthood, Ageing and Dying

This course critical examine the human developmental stages: life at adulthood that is early, middle and late adulthood. Major physical aspects of ageing and the aged, life expectancy, diseases of the old age, medical care; loneliness and communication with the aged including acceptance of death though education processes. Culture patterns on health utilization, relationship between traditional health practitioners and the patient, the impact of traditional care system on orthodox practices and school health.

EDU 421 – Guidance and Counseling

An introductory course on the rational, principles, scope and practice of guidance and counseling in post-primary schools in Nigeria. The course will be practical oriented, and includes visits to some of optional/vocational establishment.

EDU 499 – Project

This is the practical application of research methods and statistics in education. The students will be expected to study in details an area of interest educational theory and practice in Health Education in Nigeria for in depth study under the guidance of a Lecturer.

HED 421 Organization and Administration of Health Programmes

This course explains the school health programme and how best it can be managed through employment of health personnel, drugs, clinics, encouraging body cleanliness and so on. Mechanism for sustainable school health programme will be examined.

HED 422 – Development of Safety and Health Attitudes and

                   Contemporary Issues

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic and detailed concepts of health attitudes with references made on current health and safety trend. The course will also examine the nature of attitudes development within the larger scope of wellness and as a basis for good health and well-being, contemporary issues on the development of health and behaviour will be discussed.

HED 423 – Epidemiology and Public Health

The aim of this course is to provide the student with an appreciation for the role of epidemiology in education practice. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to calculate and interpret basic epidemiology measures, recognize the strength and limitation of various study designs, understand the scope of epidemiology in health education. The guiding principle in this course is the presentation of epidemiology in a manner that is both unthreatening and interesting. However, the scope of the topic is limited to core principles and concepts.

HED 424 – Model of Behaviour Change

This course will critically examine the various models and theories leading to behavour change with particular reference to Health Education and contemporary life issues in health and illness behaviours.


MastersThedepartment runs four (4) Master Degree programmes, namely;

  1. MS.c (Ed.)  Community Health Education
  2. MS.c (Ed.)Environmental Education
  3. MS.c (Ed.)School Health Education
  4. Master of Public Health Education

M.Sc (Ed) Community Health Education

EDU 801: Introduction to Research Methods in Education (3 Credits)

Rational for the methods of research in Education, emphasis will be given to the identification of researchable problems, literature relevant to the problems, and appropriate research methodology in samplings and research reporting and evaluation.

EDU 802: Educational Statistics (3 credits)

Application of descriptive statistical techniques to educational data. An introduction to estimation and tests of hypotheses/principles and techniques in application of inferential statistics to educational data obtained from simple designs.

HED 801: Philosophical Foundations of Health Promotion

Focuses on the concepts and issues surrounding disease prevention and health promotion at both the micro and macro levels. Analysis of historical, legal, scientific, educational, psychological, sociological and anthropological foundations. Emphasis on the implications of the various foundations on current controversies, legislation and “state of the out”. Contents include health and disease, role of health promotion, foundations, etc.

HED 802: Epidemiology and Public Health

Focus on the application of community based epidemiological principles to understand the health problems of the community. Stresses the interrelationship between community epidemiology data, death, birth, morbidity rates and the health of the community. Contents include collection and analysis of epidemiologies data, basic concepts, principle and practice epidemiology of categorical diseases malaria, cancer etc.

HED 807: Educational Approach to Population Control

The need to control population stresses both formal and informal education techniques. Specifically this course will address:

  1. Traditional educational approach to population control
  2. Modern education techniques for population control
  3. Instructional techniques in population education
  4. Evaluation of population control education for functional literates.

HED 808: Preceptoship in Community Health

The student will spend a semester in a community health setting to study, evaluate and promote the quality of community health programme and management. A final write-up will be submitted for grade (3 credits)

HED 809: Maternal, Infant-Child Health Education

Introduction to infant, child and maternal health issues. Analysis of programmes, services and policies of maternal infant and child health. Emphasis on educational aspect of social, cultural, psychological, physical, environmental, economic, ethical and political factors affecting infant, child and maternal health programmes and services. Contents include, public health issues, needs, prograIIUI le development, components, etc.

Meet 3 hours per week (3 credits)

HED 810: Organisation: Administration of Voluntary and Non-voluntary  Health Agencies (3 credits)

Focuses on the complexity health organization, their functions, purposes, organization, financial and social support. Analysis of governmental and non-government agencies for health promotion and protection, national and international health agencies. Contents include principles of administration, organization charts, purpose, enabling law and support system.

Meet 3 hours per week (3 credits)

HED 000: Elective in School or Environmental and Safety Education

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credits) Approval of Supervisor

HED 899: Project

*To be approved by Chief Supervisor (3 Credits)

M.Sc.(Ed) Environmental Education

EDU 801: Introduction to Research Methods in Education (3 Credits)

Rational for the methods of research in Education, emphasis will be given to the identification of researchable problems, literature relevant to the problems, and appropriate research methodology in samplings and research reporting and evaluation.

EDU 802: Educational Statistics (3 credits)

Application of descriptive statistical techniques to educational data. An introduction to estimation and tests of hypotheses/principles and techniques in application of inferential statistics to educational data obtained from simple designs.

HED 801: Philosophical Foundations of Health Promotion

Focuses on the concepts and issues surrounding disease prevention and health promotion at both the micro and macro levels. Analysis of historical, legal, scientific, educational, psychological, sociological and anthropological foundations. Emphasis on the implications of the various foundations on current controversies, legislation and “state of the out”. Contents include health and disease, role of health promotion, foundations, etc.

HED 802: Epidemiology and Public Health

Focus on the application of community based epidemiological principles to understand the health problems of the community. Stresses the interrelationship between community epidemiology data, death, birth, morbidity rates and the health of the community. Contents include collection and analysis of epidemiologies data, basic concepts, principle and practice epidemiology of categorical diseases malaria, cancer etc.

HED 811: Introduction to Community and Environmental Safety Education

The course deals with the problems of defining and exploring relevant concepts related to safety education. It analysis accident proneness measures based on epidemiology and others.

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credits)

HED 812: Ecology of Physical Environment and Adaptation

The nature of changes in environment and physical adaptation; non-evolutionary adaptation to environmental change and Psychological adaptation to change in the environment.

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credit

HED 813: Preceptorship in Environmental and Safety Education Programme

The student will spend a semester in Environmental and Safety Education setting to study, evaluate the promote the quality of environmental and Safety Education programme. A final write up will be submitted for grade.

HED 814: Occupational Health and Safety Practices

Focuses on the organization and scope of occupation health practices in Nigeria. Industrial legislation in Nigeria, general methods of detection and control of occupational disease accidents in industries and their prevention.

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credits)

HED 000: Elective in School or Community Health Education

Student selects one elective from courses listed in either school health or community health education.

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credits)

HED 899: Project

*To be approved by Chief Supervisor (3 Credits)

M.Sc.(Ed) School Health Education

EDU 801: Introduction to Research Methods in Education (3 Credits)

Rational for the methods of research in Education, emphasis will be given to the identification of researchable problems, literature relevant to the problems, and appropriate research methodology in samplings and research reporting and evaluation.

EDU 802: Educational Statistics (3 credits)

Application of descriptive statistical techniques to educational data. An introduction to estimation and tests of hypotheses/principles and techniques in application of inferential statistics to educational data obtained from simple designs.

HED 801: Philosophical Foundations of Health Promotion

Focuses on the concepts and issues surrounding disease prevention and health promotion at both the micro and macro levels. Analysis of historical, legal, scientific, educational, psychological, sociological and anthropological foundations. Emphasis on the implications of the various foundations on current controversies, legislation and “state of the out”. Contents include health and disease, role of health promotion, foundations, etc.

HED 802: Epidemiology and Public Health

Focus on the application of community based epidemiological principles to understand the health problems of the community. Stresses the interrelationship between community epidemiology data, death, birth, morbidity rates and the health of the community. Contents include collection and analysis of epidemiologies data, basic concepts, principle and practice epidemiology of categorical diseases malaria, cancer etc.

HED 803: Educational Dynamics for Mental Health (3 credits)

The course provides a stepwise and detailed analysis of educational activities in the promotion of community and individual mental health – school climate, educational intervention in mental health, school control ideology.

HED 804: Analysis of Drug Abatement Education (3 credits)

This course will review educational processes that could be used in eliminating or controlling the use and abuse of drugs. Specially, patterns of drug use and abuse, psychosocial reasons for drug use and abuse. Alternatives of drug use and abuse, psychosocial reasons for drug use and abuse. Alternatives of drug use and abuse; and educational roles in treatment approaches will be discussed.

HED 805: Preceptorship in School health Programme

The student(s) will spend a semester in a school setting to study, evaluate and assist management in promoting the quality of school health programme. A final write-up will be submitted for grade.

HED 806: Analysis of School Health Education Curriculum and instructional Theories

A critical analysis of curriculum development in health Education and Evaluation of major instructional theories of health behaviours modification with particular reference to school population

HED 000: (SHE) Elective in Community or Environmental and Safety Education

Students select one course from either Community or Environmental and Safety Education

Meets 3 hours per week (3 credits) Approval of Supervisor

HED 899: Project

*To be approved by Chief Supervisor (3 Credits)

Masters of Public Health Education

EDU 801: Introduction to Research Methods in Education (3 Credits)

Rational for the methods of research in Education, emphasis will be given to the identification of researchable problems, literature relevant to the problems, and appropriate research methodology in samplings and research reporting and evaluation.

EDU 802: Educational Statistics (3 credits)

Application of descriptive statistical techniques to educational data. An introduction to estimation and tests of hypotheses/principles and techniques in application of inferential statistics to educational data obtained from simple designs.

HED 801: Philosophical Foundations of Health Promotion

Focuses on the concepts and issues surrounding disease prevention and health promotion at both the micro and macro levels. Analysis of historical, legal, scientific, educational, psychological, sociological and anthropological foundations. Emphasis on the implications of the various foundations on current controversies, legislation and “state of the out”. Contents include health and disease, role of health promotion, foundations, etc

HED 802: Epidemiology and Public Health

Focus on the application of community based epidemiological principles to understand the health problems of the community. Stresses the interrelationship between community epidemiology data, death, birth, morbidity rates and the health of the community. Contents include collection and analysis of epidemiologies data, basic concepts, principle and practice epidemiology of categorical diseases malaria, cancer etc.

HEP 801: Contents in Public Health Education (3 credits)

Detailed study of two cognate areas in Health Education. The student selects two areas of academic interest and critically study them under the supervision of the facilitator. It is anticipated that one of these two areas would be strongly related to the final project and should be related to the student’s primary job or occupational aspiration. Those coming into the programme from Federal Road Safety Corps, for example, will be required to take an indepth study of safety education and one other area.

HEP 802: Designing Public Health Messages (3 credits)

Techniques for the construction and management of public health messages. Public speaking and writing, poster preparation, handbills, preparing health related information for public media. The characteristics of each medium be critically discussed and practical methods of preparation will be demonstrated. Innovations in the presence of inadequate finance will be evaluated.

HEP 803: Theory and Practice of Public Health Education (3 credits)

Analysis of the base theories and practices in Public Health Education. Theories of  health, behaviours, target for change, relationship between theory and practice. Theories of practical behaviour modification will be addressed the Health Belief Model, the sick Role Model and the problems of survival analysis and relapse will be presented.

HEP 804: Contemporary Issues in Public Health Education (3 credits)

Critical study of contemporary issues in Health Education, e.g. HIV and AIDs, population and family size, women and HIV, HIV as a social rather that a medical problem. The problems of seropositive disclosure. The use of drug, particularly tobacco and alcohol, among youth. Educational approaches to intervention.

HEP 805: Preceptorship in Public Education (3 credits)

The student will spend one full day a week over an academic year in Public Health Education related setting, e.g. FEPA, NAFDAC, FRSC, etc. They will study the activities of the establishment, identify health promotion problem areas and assign an intervention strategy which they will also implement. The activities in this course will define the final year project.

HEP 806: Health Organizations and Management of Public Health Programmes (3 credits)

Discussion of the patterns of official and voluntary health organizations, principles of organizations, planning and evaluation, fiscal management, personnel management, problem and issues

HEP 899: Project (Field World) (3 credits)

Ph.D –Thedepartment runs three (3) Ph.D programmes, namely;

  1. Ph.D Community Health Education
  2. Ph.D Environmental Education
  3. Ph.D School Health Education

Ph.D Community Health Education

EDU 901: Advanced Educational Research

The development of survey objectives, sampling frames, sample selection and content analysis are considered. In addition, formulation of research questions and hypothesis in experimental and quasi-experimental studies in education and related fields, which involve randomized block of factorial designs are covered.

EDU 902: Advanced Educational Statistics

The topics include: Use of ANOV A in three or more sample tests for means and variances, post hoc and planned comparison techniques, introduction to multiple regression; repeated measures designs and multivariate data analysis; and non-parametric statistics. Emphasis will be on ability to select appropriate techniques; data coding, reading and interpreting findings from computer print-outs.

HED 901: Communication Strategies (3 Credits)

A review of communication strategies in disseminating health information. The Course will also review the communication skills the health educators should possess in disseminating health information – the sources, the messages, the channel, the receiver and the destination in persuasive communication. The Health education his audience. Forced compliance and inducement.

HED 902: Evaluation of Health Programmes (3 Credits)

Practical options in health programmes evaluation. Salient techniques in the development of effective evaluation programmes in health education, health services and the environment. Organizational patterns of health programmes evaluation. Designing a health programme, evaluating a school health programme.

HED 906: Psychosocial Determinants of  Health (3 Credits)

Psychological theories of health behaviours and their educational implications – education intervention, health locus of control, health anomy and helplessness.

HED 907: Contemporary Issues in Community Health (3 Credits)

Global issues in community health programme. Students should visit

HED 908: Community Health Administration and Practices (3 Credits)

Understanding of total health services and administration within the total community environment. Status of the organization and delivery of health services. Management and control of communicable and chronic diseases, mental health, clinical dependency management, measurement of community health status. Keeping of health records, planning, staffing and other aspects of health service management.

HED 000: Elective in School Health or in Environmental and Safety Education (3 Credits) 

Students select one course from either School Health or Environmental and Safety Education.

HED 999: Thesis

To be approved by the Chief supervisor (3 credits)

The thesis shall be based on original research and should make a definite contribution to knowledge in the student area of specialization.

Ph.D Environmental Education

EDU 901: Advanced Educational Research

The development of survey objectives, sampling frames, sample selection and content analysis are considered. In addition, formulation of research questions and hypothesis in experimental and quasi-experimental studies in education and related fields, which involve randomized block of factorial designs are covered.

EDU 902: Advanced Educational Statistics

The topics include: Use of ANOV A in three or more sample tests for means and variances, post hoc and planned comparison techniques, introduction to multiple regression; repeated measures designs and multivariate data analysis; and non-parametric statistics. Emphasis will be on ability to select appropriate techniques; data coding, reading and interpreting findings from computer print-outs.

HED 901: Communication Strategies (3 Credits)

A review of communication strategies in disseminating health information. The Course will also review the communication skills the health educators should possess in disseminating health information – the sources, the messages, the channel, the receiver and the destination in persuasive communication. The Health education his audience. Forced compliance and inducement.

HED 902: Evaluation of Health Programmes (3 Credits)

Practical options in health programmes evaluation. Salient techniques in the development of effective evaluation programmes in health education, health services and the environment. Organizational patterns of health programmes evaluation. Designing a health programme, evaluating a school health programme.

HED 909: Environmental Protection (3 Credits)

Basic background information on environmental protection modalities. Environmental health problems and their seasonal determinants, surface erosion, desertification, afforestation, culture and general environmental management.

HED 910: Contemporary Issues in Environmental and Safety Education (3 Credits)

Global issues in Environmental and Safety Education.

HED 911: Dynamics of Safe Living (3 Credits)

The course deals with the basics of understanding the home, family and public safety. Relevant concepts for understanding safe human behaviour, attitude formation and modifications.  

HED 000: Elective in School Health or in Environmental and Safety Education (3 Credits) 

Students select one course from either community health or environmental and safety education.

HED 999: Thesis

To be approved by the Chief supervisor (3 credits)

The thesis shall be based on original research and should make a definite contribution to knowledge in the student area of specialization

Ph.D School Health Education

EDU 901: Advanced Educational Research

The development of survey objectives, sampling frames, sample selection and content analysis are considered. In addition, formulation of research questions and hypothesis in experimental and quasi-experimental studies in education and related fields, which involve randomized block of factorial designs are covered.

EDU 902: Advanced Educational Statistics

The topics include: Use of ANOV A in three or more sample tests for means and variances, post hoc and planned comparison techniques, introduction to multiple regression; repeated measures designs and multivariate data analysis; and non-parametric statistics. Emphasis will be on ability to select appropriate techniques; data coding, reading and interpreting findings from computer print-outs.

HED 901: Communication Strategies (3 Credits)

A review of communication strategies in disseminating health information. The Course will also review the communication skills the health educators should possess in disseminating health information – the sources, the messages, the channel, the receiver and the destination in persuasive communication. The Health education his audience. Forced compliance and inducement.

HED 902: Evaluation of Health Programmes (3 Credits)

Practical options in health programmes evaluation. Salient techniques in the development of effective evaluation programmes in health education, health services and the environment. Organizational patterns of health programmes evaluation. Designing a health programme, evaluating a school health programme.

HED 903: Contemporary Issues in School Health programme (3 Credits)

Global issues in School Health Programme. www. Search

HED 904: Advanced Contents in Health Education (3 Credits)

Exploration of specific concepts in health education using lecture, individual and group, assignment and discussion methods. Determines trends in education area such as research in health education, personal health, nutrition education, family living education and drug abatement techniques.

HED 905: School Health Education Innovations and Policies (3 Credits)

Differentiates school health from public health. Health education instructional strategies. Implications of health in behaviour change, school health contents such as health education methods, preparation of instructional materials in health education, measurement and evaluation of health education school health programme.

HED 000: Elective in Community or in Environmental and Safety Education (3 Credits) 

Students select one course from either Community Health or Environmental and Safety Education.

HED 999: Thesis

To be approved by the Chief supervisor (3 credits)

The thesis shall be based on original research and should make a definite contribution to knowledge in the student area of specialization.